4 Mistakes To Avoid – Don’t Sabotage Your Health & Wellness Event

What are the things that could possibly sabotage your health and wellness motivational event? The answer is a few very common and avoidable mistakes.

The biggest mistake a lot of event organizers make is that of trying to invite the most highly recommended and top wellness speakers to their event without finding out about their relevance and the audience that they cater to. They forget that it is not about the money that they can dig out of their pocket and the brand value that they are trying to create with regard to their event. It is about relevance and the purpose that their audience is looking to solve and the experience that they are looking forward to with empathetic health and wellness motivational speakers. It is not the big name that they are concerned about or even impressed with. It is a more organic way that the speaker can help them out with the many problems of their lives.

So, the very first mistake that can be easily avoided is falling for big names.

It is important to bring something more valuable and concrete to your event. Bring something that would make your event the talk of the town without having to spend thousands of dollars. A few other errors that you might make when selecting and going through the best keynote speakers for your event are given in the following section:

  • Lack Of A Clear Message

If the top wellness speaker is not able to get across the message that they are trying to convey to their audience, your event is going to fall flat. When this happens, your audience will feel disconnected from the entire event. Your speaker will eventually fail to bond with them as well. 

  • Too Much Of The Celebrity

We talked about having a superficial brand value at the beginning of the post. This is where you focus more on the “celebrity” and the star value of the speaker instead of the problems of the audience. The result is that your event turns out to be a failure.

  • Where Is The Enthusiasm?

If the speaker does not have any enthusiasm or probably is not capable of showing it in the first place, you are bound to deliver a stale and boring event. These mistakes are easily avoidable. All you have to do is be diligent in your choice when it comes to selecting the top health and wellness speakers in the city.

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